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SCANDIC - 800 * 600 * 50 mm-5.76 sq / m

SCANDIC - 800 * 600 * 50 mm-5.76 sq / m

ROCKWOOL is a unique product specially designed for use in private housing construction. The unique feature of ROCKWOOL is the ground-breaking quality... See more

ROCKWOOL is a unique product specially designed for use in private housing construction. The unique feature of ROCKWOOL is the ground-breaking quality of its fibers which allow to expose slabs to compression up to 70%. Due to vacuum compressed packaging you can transport three times as much material in one trip as you can in ordinary packaging.

Lightweight water-repellent slabs from rock wool have a unique property of compression due to rock wool fibers quality which allow to expose slabs to compression up to 70%. The material has excellent recoverability and maintains high characteristics for all indicators.

For convenience the product comes in two sizes:

The standard size is 800х600 (50 and 100 mm thick). The compact size allows to save space while being transported in passenger cars. This increases load rate of a vehicle.

The size XL 1200х600 (100 and150 mm thick) is convenient to transport in large-sized vehicles. The assembly is 30% faster due to the large size of a slab.


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Product is in stock
Price 74.00o 66.70o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

Specifications and sizes

Flammability class


Thermal conductivity

λ10 = 0,036 W/m·°K / λD = 0,037 W/m·°K / λА = 0,039 W/m·°K / λБ = 0,041 W/m·°K

Water absorption at short-run partial immersion, not above kg/m²

1,0 kg/m²

Vapor permeability, not less than

μ = 0,3 mg/(m·h·Pa)


Up to 70%

Fire danger class of the material



Product properties

Non-flammable Material

SCANDIC acts as a barrier to prevent fire from spreading and is able to hold back spreading of fire in the area allowing valuable additional time to save people. The material doesn’t catch fire, melt, lose its shape and even smoke.

Low thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity refers to the intrinsic ability of a material to transfer or conduct heat. Therefore, the less thermal conductivity is, the more efficiently the material acts as heat insulation. Slabs of SCANDIC have low thermal conductivity and poorly transfer heat protecting your house from winter cold and summer heat, and you save on energy resources.

Water resistance

SCANDIC is water-resistant material. This is especially important to maintain heat insulation properties of the material while exploiting it. SCANDIC has efficient water-repellent properties. Any moisture which hits the surface of SCANDIC can’t penetrate into the material. Due to this, the material remains dry and maintains its high heat-protective properties.

Vapor permeabilty

High vapor permeability of the material allows to easily remove vapors out of rooms and structures. Thereby, SCANDIC doesn’t hold back excess moisture and allows walls to breath. Moisture doesn’t build up inside thermal insulator and doesn’t diminish its heat protective properties.

Dimensional stability

The fibers of SCANDIC densely weave with each other providing long term durability and stability of shape. Due to random positioning of the fibers, the material doesn’t shrink while being exploited. Therefore, SCANDIC doesn’t warp or become deformed over the years.

Environmental compatibility

ROCKWOOL is the first thermal insulation in Russia to receive EcoMaterial certification of environmental compatibility. The certification confirms application safety of the material in structures of any type and interior finishing including bedrooms and children’s rooms.


Rodents and insects don’t feed on SCANDIC. The material doesn’t contribute to growth of fungi, mildew and bacteria.

  • inclined roofing / attic rooms

  • partition walls

  • floor decks

  • frame walls

  • siding-faced walls

  • beam-based flooring

  • balconies

Products offered